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Thursday, 1 August 2013

4 Tips To Build Quality Backlinks For Blog

Build Quality Backlinks
Backlinks can change the way of blogging. If Quality Backlinks can improve your blog ranking then bad and poor backlinks can ruin your all efforts and hardwork into vain. Webmasters need to give special preferences to quality of backlinks. In Panda and Penguin World, quantity of backlinks doesn’t matter. The thing which matter is Quality. In past, webmasters used to generate backlinks using poor techniques like profile links, link exchange with random websites, generating too many links with same anchor text on which they want to rank their blog in search engines. But the time has changed now. Google hates all of these link building techniques. Now we have to work on quality not the quantity. In this article I will share some best tips that can be follow to generate high quality backlinks.

Quality Backlinks

Below are some general methods of getting backlinks to a blog and you may be aware with them. But in this post I will tell you how to follow these methods correctly without any risk of SEO penalties. So, take a look at what to do and how.

Tip 1: Blog Commenting

Blog Commenting
Most of you will know that blog commenting is the best method for link building to a blog but do you know how blog commenting works. This is highly recommended to add blog commenting in your blogging schedule. Leave at least 10 comments daily on high ranked blogs same with your niche. It will not only help you in link building but also help you to increase blog traffic. Most of bloggers will know the benefits of blog commenting but they don’t know how to take proper benefits of their time they spend on commenting on other blogs. Commenting on those blogs where you get nofollow link is a waste of time. Work on those blogs where you can get dofollow backlink for your blog.
Use search engines to find CommentLuv and KeywordLuv enabled blogs and leave valuable comments on those blogs on daily basis. When you comment on those blogs then below every comment your recent posted post will be shown with title as anchor text. And even you can also use your keyword in the name field like this Ankit@Blogger Tips Tricks. That means you can get two backlinks from single comment. It will help you to generate high quality dofollow backlinks and your Page Rank will increase.

Find CommuntLuv and KeywordLuv Enabled Blogs

This is really a simple job to find those blogs which have installed Communtluv and KeywordLuv commenting system in it. Simply go with your favorite search engine and type the below query.

1) your keyword “CommentLuv”
2) your keyword “KeywordLuv”

It means if I need to find blogs with blogging niche then I will search query like blogging “CommentLuv”.

Once you enter these types of search terms you will get the list of CommentLuv and KeywordLuv enabled blogs. Use them to increase your blog backlinks. Spend at least 20-30 minutes daily to read those blog’s articles and leave valuable comment there. Don’t put short comments like nice article, good article and all. Blog owner will not accept these types of comments and your efforts will be waste.

Tip 2: Use Forums

SEO Forums
Participating in webmaster forums can help you to increase your blog readership. Readers will let to know about your blog and hence new visitors land to read your content. Denote some time from your schedule to use forums for link building. Answer the questions there under your perfection of field and use signature as a link back to your site. You can use below forums.

Digital Point Forum

This forum is especially for webmasters and SEO niche. You can ask your questions there as well can reply to those questions asked by others. Try to reply with best answer. Once your answers got liked by 3 established users then you will also become an established user. Then you can use signature below every answer which you give. Use link pointing back to your blog in signature column. Visit Digital Point Forum.

Yahoo Answers

Yahoo Answers” is the best place to increase your blog traffic fast. There are millions of visitors on this question answer website. You should join this site for your own benefits. Spend some time to reply other’s questions. There are 10 levels and when the number of your answers will increase these levels will also increase. As same as digital point forum, here you have the opportunity to put your blog link in source column. But that link will not be active. If you want an active link then you have to reach on second level. Second level means 250 points. 2 points for each answer and 10 points for the best answer if voted by the person who asks the question. Do answering on regular basis, it will bring new visitors to your blog and if they subscribe your feedburner feed then they will become your blog readers. Visit Yahoo Answers.

Tip 3: Guest Blogging

Guest Blogging
Write your best and unique articles for other’s blog. Yes, you heard right. Write for others and in return you will be awarded with a very powerful dofollow and targeted backlink with anchor text of your choice. Find blogs under the same niche which you have and contact their owners using contact us form in their blog to submit guest post. If they agree to publish your post on their blog then submit your post and include one or two link between content or in the Author’s Bio section with your main keyword as anchor text. Guest Posting is beneficial for both the parties. Blog owners receive free and high quality articles for the blog and in return you receive high quality backlink for your blog.
Note: Don’t always build backlinks for your blog homepage. Try to build backlinks for internal pages also like category pages or any related post. For more SEO benefits you can also link to your sitemap page. By sitemap page, I mean the page which contains links to all published posts into your blog. You can visit my blog sitemap page for better understanding named as Blogger Tips And Tricks. By linking to that page means killing two birds with single stone. First is it will help Google Bots to crawl and index all of your posts and second is visitors will have to click to the links to read the article hence more page views.

Tip 4: Internal Linking of Posts

Internal Linking
Internal links and External Links both plays an important role in SEO. Internal links also count as quality backlinks. Google loves those blogs which works on internal linking strategy. Let me tell you how internal linking works. Whenever you right new post, try to link your previous posts or popular posts with proper anchor text. It has multiple benefits like:
  1. Build Backlinks for all posts.
  2. Search engine crawlers will let to know about your blog content in deep. All the posts will get indexed fast. Hence better crawl rate.
  3. Flow of page rank juice to all internal posts.
  4. Increase Blog Traffic.
  5. Reduce Blog Bounce Rate.
  6. Increase blog visit time, hence better ranking in search results.
So, what you think does internal linking works? Obviously works dear. Just try it and you will let to know yourself.

Your Turn!

This is all about on how to build backlinks for blog in post panda and penguin world. I have shared my secrets with you guys. Now it’s your turn. Use these strategies regularly and effectively and notice the positive change in your blog performance in search engines. I am also trying to learn more methods and ways for generating quality backlinks for blog. If you know other methods then please share them with me. Leave your comments below this post. I will be thankful to you guys. Happy Blogging!


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